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Preliminary Ecological Appraisals 

Preliminary Ecological Appraisals, often referred to as PEA surveys can be undertake at any time of year.  As part of the PEA survey, Tom Haley Ecology will include species specific scoping surveys such as Preliminary Roost Assessments for bats and Habitat Suitability Index Assessments for Great Crested Newts.  This aims to minimise the need for further surveys and ensure risks for protected species are flagged up at the earliest opportunity.  


The surveys involve a walkover of the site, where an ecologist will map the habitats, present using UKHAB Classification, and take detailed notes and photographs. The ecologist will then assess the potential for legally protected species to be present such as badgers, bats, great crested newts and reptiles.


If there is a risk of protected species being impacted by the proposals, further surveys may be required. As many of the species- specific surveys are seasonally restricted, we recommended you have a PEA undertaken in the earliest possible stage of a project, such as the feasibility stage, to minimise delays and allow plans to be adjusted to reduce the impact on protected species.

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